Low Kill Shelter
body horror, autism, confinement, gore, care, experimentation, rabies


horror/romance novella

Opens with a clean, masculine atmosphere of the urban-medicinal, developing to an aggressive, animalic heart of musk, cassis, burnt honey, copper, with a raging drydown of metallic fever. Dominant notes include body horror, autism, and gay shit. Evokes the scenario of a best friend becoming infected and wanting to eat your face off. You work at a medical lab with his ex. You still remember your family huddled around a pool of teeth on the floor. Some call it rabies. For you, it is...Low Kill Shelter.

📜 paperback
💾 PDF/epub
🇷🇺 Russian translation by @cum_gundam


⚣ m/m
☣️ body horror, autism, confinement, gore, care, experimentation, rabies